Change Your Password

To change the password you need to log into the platform with your registered e-mail address and password.


Then, you should select the ‘View my profile’ option found at the bottom of the side menu bar.


A pop-up list will appear. From the list choose ‘Account Settings’ and get directed to the Account Settings page.


On the Account Settings page, you’ll find the option to change your password.


Type your old password. And followed by the old password type the new password.


Next, you need to re-type your new password.


On completing it you can click on the change button found below the re-type password field.

Phew! This is all you need to do to change your password.

Hope this was useful. If you have more doubts then feel free to connect with us through the live agent you find at the right corner of this page.

You can also send an email explaining your queries to [email protected]