Total Keywords – Explanation

In this “Total Keywords” section, you can find the individual keyword rankings and other keyword metrics.

This “Total Keywords” is located below the “Overview” section.


total keywords


A total number of keywords for the particular project has been mentioned next to the “Total Keywords” phrases.


total keywords


And this “Total Keywords” section consists of seven parts. They are

1. Search Bar
2. Export
3. Refresh
4. Delete
5. Column
6. List or Grid
7. Grid Filters

Let us get into this one by one

Search Bar:

You can search the keywords of website URLs in the search bar.


keywords search bar


Type or copy-paste the keywords of website URLs and then press ENTER key. You will get the results at the top of the table.


This “Export” button was located to the right of the “Search Bar” and it is used to download the project’s keywords rankings.


keywords export


By clicking the “Export” button, three download formats will be displayed. They are CSV, PDF, and TEXT.


keywords export


You can choose the format that you want to export. Your project will be downloaded in seconds.


This “Refresh icon” button is located in the top right of the table and it is used to refresh the keyword rankings instantly.


keywords refresh



This “Delete Icon” button is located next to the “Refresh icon” button. This “Delete Icon” button is used to delete the selected keywords.


keywords delete


This button is only highlighted when you select the keywords by clicking the checkbox in the left corner of every keyword.


keywords delete



This “Column” is the drop-down button located to the right of the “Delete Icon” button.


keywords column


This drop-down button is used to customise the columns in the “Total Keywords” table.

By clicking this “Column” drop-down button, all of the column names are displayed with a checkbox and drag and drop option.


keywords column


You can choose the column that you need in the “All Keywords” table by selecting the checkboxes and deselecting the checkboxes. Then click the “Apply” button to apply those changes in the particular project. Also, select “Apply all projects” and then click the “Apply” button to apply those changes in all the projects that you have added to the Serpple.


keywords column


Also, you can change the column order in the “All Keywords” table by using the drag and drop option in the left corner of the column names in this “Column” drop-down. Then click the “Apply” button to apply those changes in the particular project. Also, select “Apply all projects” and then click the “Apply” button to apply those changes in all the projects that you have added to the Serpple.


keywords column


List or Grid:

The List or Grid option is available next to the “Columns” button. This option helps to view the keywords in a list or grid.


list or grid


Clicking the “List” in the List or Grid option will display the keywords in the form of a list.

keywords list view


Clicking the “Grid” in the List or Grid option will display the keywords in the form of Grid.


keywords grid view


Grid Filters:

When you choose the grid view, a “Filter” option will replace the “Column” button.


grid filters


There are four filters available, and when you click the “Filter” icon they will be displayed. They are Tags, Region, Device, and favourite.


grid filter


Tags: If you click the “Tags” option in the “Filter”, the keywords will be divided by tags that you have added and displayed in the form of a grid.

tags filter


Region: If you click the “Region” option in the “Filter”, the keywords will be divided by the regions that you have given to the Serpple and displayed in the form of a grid.


region filter


Device: If you click the “Device” option in the “Filter”, the keywords will be divided into Desktop and Mobile devices that you have given to the Serpple and displayed in the form of a grid.


device filter


Favourite: If you click the “Favourite” option in the “Filter”, the keywords will be divided into favourite and unfavorite keywords that you have marked and displayed in the form of a grid.


favorite filter


I hope you find this article useful. If you have any other doubts search for relevant help articles or contact our support team by using the live chat widget on the bottom right corner of the website or send your query to [email protected].